Blog / 6 posts found
10 Best Practices to Improve Your E-Commerce Website
IT’S PROJECTED THAT U.S. SHOPPERS WILL SPEND $252 BILLION DOLLARS ONLINE BY THE END OF 2013. HAS YOUR COMPANY TAKEN THE LEAP INTO BECOMING AN ONLINE RETAILER? Everyday a consumer’s experience with the marketplace becomes more mobile, social and visual, which helps to improve the process for customers and complicate the process for business owners trying to keep up with latest developments in e-commerce as they grow their business. There are many features that should be incorporate in your e-commerce website, but it is important to focus your efforts in the beginning to ensure you can scale your business online […]
21 Reasons..Why You Need a Website
Steve Jobs also asked ‘why’. He challenged every single operation within his company. Everyone, from the engineers to the accounting staff, did things differently, because Jobs would ask them why they did things in a certain way. And answering, “Well, that’s what everybody else is going” simply wasn’t good enough. When I started my first business several years ago, the first thing I thought was “I need to get a website”. Why did I think that? Why do I need a website? I decided to get with the program and copy Steve Jobs to answer the fundamental questions about why […]